And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations;

Matthew 24:14


We here at the media ministry are here to push forward the vision of the church through social media, cd-rom, and video. We are here to ensure that the Word of the Lord goes out more than just one way.

We here at the media ministry are excited about what God is doing and are looking for ambitious individuals to join us as we labor to bring our vision to life. Here are some of the responsibilities included within our media ministry:

  • Manage Social Media Accounts:
    • Facebook
    • Instagram
    • Twitter
  • Creation and Production of Media- CDs
  • Creation and Production of Media-Advertisements/Flyers
  • Production of Videos using YouTube as our main outlet
  • Manage and Administer all church Audio Operations
  • Manage and Administer the church Website

If you are a member of GLC and would love to be a part of our team, whether it be to build up your resume, whether it be because you have a passion for one or all of the duties listed above, or you may just want to be a blessing while learning something new, please email Minister Jerry Fuller at

Elder Jerry Fuller, Media Ministry Director


To contact the GLC Media Ministry please fill out the form below.

Media Request