Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.

1 Timothy 4:12


All over the scriptures we see how young people made a pivotal stand to uphold righteousness.  We see it in Genesis with Joseph who was 17 years old when God revealed unto him in a dream how he would lift him up over his brothers yet being the youngest of twelve.  We also see this in the book of Daniel where 3 Hebrew boys, who were teens at the time, risk their lives for righteousness sake at a time when all their fellow brethren had compromised.  This is the same stand we want for our youth here at the Greater Lighthouse Church. 


We live in a time where many youth are counted out.  We live in a time where many youth have turned to darkness.  We live in a time where many have called our youth every name in the book opposite from good.  And through all the doubt for our youth, it is in this time when we believe above all things the scripture where Jesus declares,


“And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions…” 


We want our youth to be fire baptized and filled with the Holy Ghost with evidence of speaking in other tongues.  We want all our youth to know the truth and to have the revelation of Jesus Christ.  We want our youth to know what it is to stand in the midst of adversity. 

Elder Jerry Fuller

Elder J., Youth Department Director

(AGES 5-11)

Meets every 2nd and 4th Sunday. 


Before we started Junior Church we did a survey and found that most kids in today’s world did not even know who Adam and Eve were.  Also, most kids never heard of John 3:16.  Knowing history like this is important for the growth and mindset of a child’s development in Christ.  The purpose of Junior Church is to ensure kids are growing up knowing their Bible history and people from the Bible.  In Junior Church we focus on teaching kids Bible stories, like the crucifixion of Jesus, David and Goliath, Paul and the road to Damascus, etc.  We also make sure that each kid doesn’t leave the class without knowing John 3:16.    We, at the Youth Department in GLC, are dedicated to the development and growth of your child in Jesus Christ.


Meets every last Tuesday of the month.


Youth Night is a time where teenagers can have fun, learn, and fellowship with their fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.  The purpose of Youth Night is to help develop and grow the spiritual man of our teenagers by teaching them the Christ way of doing things to prepare them for challenges that will arise in their everyday lives as teenagers.  Youth Night at GLC has developed a community around our teenagers were they can express themselves freely without judgement and develop relationships around their fellow brothers and sisters that are their age.  Since the start of Youth Night our youth have been more excited and passionate about coming to church, but not only coming, also bringing friends with them.  We love our teenagers here at GLC and are excited about their growth. 




It is our ministry’s mission to create an atmosphere where young adults, ages 18-30, feel comfortable to engage with the Word in a meaningful way and fellowship with one another. Our desire is for young adults to grow in their faith, further develop their relationships with God, and positively impact other young adults in their lives.


Our ministry meets one Friday evening each month to have Bible Study. We kick each meeting off with prayer, food, and some fellowship before delving into the Word. Thus far we’ve focused on several relevant topics for young adults, such as the ones that are listed below:


  • Grace Over Sin
  • Forgiveness
  • Honoring God in Friendships & Romantic Relationships
  • Mentorship
  • Accountability
  • Christ-Centered Dating & Courting


What we love most about this ministry is that it feels like a family. We’ve intentionally built connections that allow us to trust, open up, and rely on one another for advice, friendship, and accountability. Together, we’ve enjoyed traditional Bible studies, more interactive Bible studies, game nights, and potlucks.Ultimately, we’re young believers who want to offer space and fellowship to other young believers!


Follow our Instagram account @yabs_glc and our YouTube Channel, YABS TALK, for an inside look at our ministry

Minister Jacqael Bryan and Deaconness Courtney Riley

Co-Leaders of YABS

Minister Jacqael Bryan

and Deaconness Courtney Riley